Tours and Activities

Camps In Chail

Adventure in chail

44 km away from Shimla at a higher altitude, resides another hypnotizing hill station known as Chail. It was founded by Maharaja of Patiala as a summer retreat. Palace Hotel is the top touristy in Chail which showcases the classical architecture. Maharaja of Patiala was a cricket lover and he made a cricket ground in Chail which is the highest Cricket Ground in the world. Horse riding has its own flavor here.

The adventure camps in Chail are very comfortable. Snow Trail camp is one such kind with activities like Rock Rappeling, Rock Climbing, Flying Fox, Obstacles Course, Burma Bridge, Bamboo Bridge, Rope Bridge, Monkey Crawl and Tarzan Swing. Other than this Hotel Jungle Livinn – Resort at Hill Top is also the best choice to suite all your needs and wants regarding a perfect camping in Chail. Sit at the verandah of the camps and soak into the marvelous beauty of Chail.

Hiker paradise and with a glory of history, chail is a real wonderful hill station of Himachal Pradesh. Under Maharaja of Patiala chail has already turned into a beautiful and adventures camping places in India. Parallel to Himachal Pradesh’s beauty chail has a highest cricket ground in the world.

Chail offered tourist a lot perhaps more than they deserves from one hill station. From adventure camp till flying fox which can be performed by professionals only, Cable bridges to walk, Tyre Bridge, bamboo bridge activities, rope walk, Commando net for adding spice in your experiences while travelling or staying in chail.


Jungle Liveinn Camp

Jungle Liveinn Camp site is just 20 Kms from the capital city of Himacha Pradesh at a beautiful small hill town called "Chail".

Little Heart Camp

Camp little Heart Resort, is a well placed hotel in Chail serving beautiful views of nature’s beauty. The property is a disengaged and shrouded Wild side nature camp for outdoors in Shimla.


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