Tours and Activities

Adventure Sport Parasailing





Parasailing, is a recreational kiting activity where a person is towed behind a vehicle while attached to a specially designed canopy wing that reminds one of a parachute, known as a parasail wing. Parasailing can be done in ground as well as into the sea and other sources of water.


First of all you have to check all the required equipments before go for parasailing because Parasailing is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death. We recommend that you seek proper training and equipment before attempting this activity and check the equipments such as tow ropes, ski boats, swimsuits, parasails, life vests, swimming trunks etc. Have ground assistants check the rig and flight harness on the parasailor before takeoff. Then ground assistant take their positions holding open opposite sides of the sail and after that signal the boat driver to go.

Instruct the boat driver to start slowly accelerating to take up the loose line while ground assistants and the parasailor move forward with the rope. Assistants hold the guidelines to help the sail fill up with air. The parasailor should take a few long strides with the rope taut, but not aid in the liftoff process by jumping or pulling up his or her feet. The canopy will do this on its own.

Steer the parasail by pulling down on risers on the side of the desired direction. No steering should actually ever be necessary. Direct the pick-up boat to trail 200 feet behind the parasailor. Release the safety pin to allow the parasailor to float gently down into the water at either a high or low altitude. Pick up the parasailor and equipment in the safety boat and return to shore to launch again.

Do not parasail in winds stronger than 21 KM per Hour.

Do not parasails if the rotate more than 45 degree in the air, the safety pin must be pulled before the canopy can spill its air and drop the sailor.

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